2007年4月9日 星期一

Reflection of Missing Pieces!!

All the picture in this little story are so cute and easy to draw. To my surprise, it is funny to make a meaningful story by using those cute triangles and circles. And the story also can tell the readers good suggestions to go forward. I have never read such a sweet story that is so warm i can't explain.

At first, i thought what a boring story it is so that i didn't want to read. I supposed that is a silly story. But when i watched to the final, I felt so moved and couldn't wait to read another page. As a result of its meaning and what the story wanted to tell everybody. It told everyone that if you made up your mind to doing whatever things, just tried to change something you can control or you couldn't expect to think about it. And after the circle one told the missing piece to change its attitude, because no one could help it. The missing piece tried to change itself and lifted pulled flopped one by one. Eventually, that missing piece turned to a roll one and went with the before circle one. To sum up, sometimes we don't need to wait for other's help or assists, we can do some change or accept other's suggestions and solve by ourselves.