2007年4月9日 星期一

Reflection of Missing Pieces!!

All the picture in this little story are so cute and easy to draw. To my surprise, it is funny to make a meaningful story by using those cute triangles and circles. And the story also can tell the readers good suggestions to go forward. I have never read such a sweet story that is so warm i can't explain.

At first, i thought what a boring story it is so that i didn't want to read. I supposed that is a silly story. But when i watched to the final, I felt so moved and couldn't wait to read another page. As a result of its meaning and what the story wanted to tell everybody. It told everyone that if you made up your mind to doing whatever things, just tried to change something you can control or you couldn't expect to think about it. And after the circle one told the missing piece to change its attitude, because no one could help it. The missing piece tried to change itself and lifted pulled flopped one by one. Eventually, that missing piece turned to a roll one and went with the before circle one. To sum up, sometimes we don't need to wait for other's help or assists, we can do some change or accept other's suggestions and solve by ourselves.

2007年3月31日 星期六

None of her Business!!

95AG505 鄭靜樺 week5

Summary of “None of her Business.”

I just read a story named “None of her business” which talked about a girl Pat’s action when taking the bus back to her sister’s home. While she was getting off the bus, she was very excited that she could relax for a while and there was only an hour arriving to her sister’s home by bus. Before she got off the bus, she saw a blind woman in the bus asking the driver where is waiting room and the driver was explaining which her correct brown case is. After Pat got the waiting room and the same as that woman, Pat kept noticing the woman’s act. As she waiting another bus, she detected that someone approached the woman and told her the wrong message about the bus schedule.

She started to nervous and tried to look for somebody's help. Unfortunately, there was no one giving his hand. She supposed that she must think one way to rescue the woman. She walked near the woman and made believe telling the man that he made a big mistake about the bus time to let the woman know he was a mean guy. As the man heard it, he just set the woman free and ran away, leaving Pat and woman there.

The interesting part in the story is that Pat discovered that something is wrong. She tried to use a perfect method which wouldn't mad the man and could let the woman know something. And as soon as Pat told that guy that he made a mistake, he was shocked and ran as quick as he can. It is funny that Pat used her wisdom to scare the bad guy.

At first, I don't know the title's real meaning, but after I read the entire story completely, I understand the whole content and meanings. All the people Pat looked for help didn't give her the favor and told her that was not her business. Therefore, she decided to rescue the woman herself. Then, she got it and did her best to finish this troublesome matter. Her action make me admire and say “good job” to her from my deeply heart.

Summary of Luca & Piggybook!

(T)About Joni:

(S) About Susanne:

Summary of Luca:
This is a song named Luca and sung by Suzanne Vega. Luca is a boy's name. And there is a person appearing indeed that Suzanne has seen in her neighborhood. He is a different child and always be alone. If someone see him playing with others, they will consider that he was maybe abused by his parent or his psychology was harmed.
The follows is just writer's thought. In fact, he didn't be abused at all. What he showed just different from other children, therefore, the writer will say him so! He' d love be alone doesn't like somebody to bother him、disturb or ask him something about what happened from him. Because he thinks it's not your business.

Summary of “Piggybook”
A book is called Piggy Book and written by Anthony Browne. There is a common family Piggott living in a nice house with a nice Mom. They do everything as usual everyday. For instance, Dad goes to an important job and his two son Simon and Patrick go to an important school. Their Mom does everything each day as vacuuming the floor or clean beds, etc. Everything is on usual.

One day, Mom feels so upset as a result in Dad and sons' laziness and not concerning housework. She thinks that everyone is an important person in this family. Nevertheless, she decides to get away from the house and leaves a paper with one sentence: “You are all pigs.” After they go home, they can't find her because of no one helping them with dinner. They know they have made a big mistake until her disappearing. They start to clean all the things that they never touch. Few days later, Mom comes back happily again and helps fix the car.

2007年3月21日 星期三

The Summary.

95AG505 鄭靜樺 week4

The story of Tom’s Diner
One morning, Suzanne sat at the diner on the corner. She was waiting for the waiter pouring the coffee and when the waiter was doing work, he kept looking out the window at somebody coming in. But Suzanne was impatient and arguing with the waiter who wouldn’t sent coffee for her quickly. Suzanne liked to see somebody doing their works. She looked at other side and saw a man looking at the window and a woman was coming and shaking her umbrella. Then Suzanne was pouring some milk into the coffee and opened the paper which had a story that someone had died who she had heard of before. Outside there was a woman hitching her skirt and straightened her stockings; at the same time, her hair got wet, too. As the rain continued, she finished her coffee and it was time to catch the train.(Time:5min, 164 words)

Summary of “Changing Roles: Stay-at-Home Dads”
In this story, there was a dad Neil Walkingshaw and he wanted to find a way to care his child. He has tried to ask his boss for letting him take care of kid. But his boss said no just because of no one can share his work at all. He feels so bad and supposes that it is sex discrimination. And the industrial tribunal ruled that he had been awarded 3,600 dollars.
I think the story was telling that father is playing an important role in childhood. As a result in when the child was growing and his dad is by his side, his psychology will be healthier and development will be different from that of the mother. The follow is according to expert. Also, the father in the home can contribute to low the probability of crime and make their kids grow healthy. Father’s role is more important and interesting than Mother’s if according to the theory. Then the society will value the dad’s role more and all men will take the father’s identity more seriously when leaning to take care of the baby or children.

2007年3月20日 星期二

My favorite song!!

My favorite song is "Why wait" is sung by The Cheetah Girls who is composed of four girls from different cultures. They pay a lot of tears and efforts in order to achieve the dream of sing perform.

This song is talking about that people should try their best to chase the beautiful dream which will come true. We mustn't waste time absolutely as a result in "Time is money!"This proverb tells us that if we waste time, we are throwing away the money. So don't hesitate to live our dream and the future is what we make. I don't like to waste my time to do something is futility or useless. I always do my best to study and lean, however; I didn't do well. I am not studying the school my parents hope so. And now I treasure time more just to finish something what i want.

Whenever you do your work, just believe yourself and let go. Only you can know that you've got what it takes. If now is the right time, seize the chance, because today could just pass you by.

Don't wait and go ahead!!!

2007年3月12日 星期一

Self Introduction

My name is CHing hua Cheng.Mandy is my English name which everyone calls me so!I am graduated from Li-Zen high school in Taichung.There is a good English teacher in Li-Zen who has taught me for three years.I think i can speak fluently English with others just because her big help and my effort to achieve my a little success.She taught me correct grammar,perfectly speaking,etc.Although she didn't ask me to write articles all the time,we did do that sometimes. So i can think about how to show my words myself.Maybe it is not fine but it is from my real mind and determination.

Throughout my academic career,I have not only getting great grade but also being very active on sport field.I enjoy to play badminton,ping-pong,basketball,etc.Whatever sports i like the most.I like dogs.I think they are my good partner and the best friend in my whole life.They always smile to me and listen to what i want to tell them in my deeply heart.Whenever i walk to everywhere, they just follow my steps without complaining and make me feel so comfortable.I want to say:"Thank you so much for being my side all the time.I love u more than how i treat others."

English is my favorite subject in school.From my childhood,I love English the most.I remembered I asked my mom to take me to learn English in cram school.My mom was so happy that i begged her to let me study myself.I can be so active and concentrate on the subject of English which attracts me so much.I like to speak English with foreigner teacher that will teach me how to speak what i can't and they don't mind the wrong way i talked.That will make me talk continually without shying.I hope i can keep learning English in university and complete it with my goal and dream.Even though it has to depends on my effort determination and willpower, i will try my best to do every thing including English works.

I wish i can be a good writer through this class's help and effect. If the teacher can teach us plenty of writing's techniques which make us issue such excellent articles or essays.I am very look forward to taking this class as result of my poor English writing.

To sum up,I will do my best to have writing class and read some English magazines or newspapers to strengthen my ability.