2007年3月21日 星期三

The Summary.

95AG505 鄭靜樺 week4

The story of Tom’s Diner
One morning, Suzanne sat at the diner on the corner. She was waiting for the waiter pouring the coffee and when the waiter was doing work, he kept looking out the window at somebody coming in. But Suzanne was impatient and arguing with the waiter who wouldn’t sent coffee for her quickly. Suzanne liked to see somebody doing their works. She looked at other side and saw a man looking at the window and a woman was coming and shaking her umbrella. Then Suzanne was pouring some milk into the coffee and opened the paper which had a story that someone had died who she had heard of before. Outside there was a woman hitching her skirt and straightened her stockings; at the same time, her hair got wet, too. As the rain continued, she finished her coffee and it was time to catch the train.(Time:5min, 164 words)

Summary of “Changing Roles: Stay-at-Home Dads”
In this story, there was a dad Neil Walkingshaw and he wanted to find a way to care his child. He has tried to ask his boss for letting him take care of kid. But his boss said no just because of no one can share his work at all. He feels so bad and supposes that it is sex discrimination. And the industrial tribunal ruled that he had been awarded 3,600 dollars.
I think the story was telling that father is playing an important role in childhood. As a result in when the child was growing and his dad is by his side, his psychology will be healthier and development will be different from that of the mother. The follow is according to expert. Also, the father in the home can contribute to low the probability of crime and make their kids grow healthy. Father’s role is more important and interesting than Mother’s if according to the theory. Then the society will value the dad’s role more and all men will take the father’s identity more seriously when leaning to take care of the baby or children.

1 則留言:

leefan 提到...

Hi Mandy,
I am Leefan, I saw your summary of “Changing Roles: Stay-at-Home Dads.” I agree with your commends, and there are many opinions that we are the same. See, how match we are!

But as far as I am concerned, your
writing type of the summary can
be bigger, in that way, the article will be more attractive!

In short, your did great job. Your writing is very good. I should learn from you!
