2007年3月31日 星期六

None of her Business!!

95AG505 鄭靜樺 week5

Summary of “None of her Business.”

I just read a story named “None of her business” which talked about a girl Pat’s action when taking the bus back to her sister’s home. While she was getting off the bus, she was very excited that she could relax for a while and there was only an hour arriving to her sister’s home by bus. Before she got off the bus, she saw a blind woman in the bus asking the driver where is waiting room and the driver was explaining which her correct brown case is. After Pat got the waiting room and the same as that woman, Pat kept noticing the woman’s act. As she waiting another bus, she detected that someone approached the woman and told her the wrong message about the bus schedule.

She started to nervous and tried to look for somebody's help. Unfortunately, there was no one giving his hand. She supposed that she must think one way to rescue the woman. She walked near the woman and made believe telling the man that he made a big mistake about the bus time to let the woman know he was a mean guy. As the man heard it, he just set the woman free and ran away, leaving Pat and woman there.

The interesting part in the story is that Pat discovered that something is wrong. She tried to use a perfect method which wouldn't mad the man and could let the woman know something. And as soon as Pat told that guy that he made a mistake, he was shocked and ran as quick as he can. It is funny that Pat used her wisdom to scare the bad guy.

At first, I don't know the title's real meaning, but after I read the entire story completely, I understand the whole content and meanings. All the people Pat looked for help didn't give her the favor and told her that was not her business. Therefore, she decided to rescue the woman herself. Then, she got it and did her best to finish this troublesome matter. Her action make me admire and say “good job” to her from my deeply heart.

5 則留言:

babynichu 提到...

Hi, I am nini!

Seems you read a interesting story, what a kind girl as you.
The girl in this story is so smart!

I read another story and write the summary in my blog! You can take a sight!

leefan 提到...

i am coming
you did a good reflection!
u know what?
u r so cute~

Mandy 提到...

ni ni
thank you for your admiring.
i have read your story already.
you write a good reflection, too.

Mandy 提到...

oh my dear Fanny
you are really a nice girl.
i think you are more cute than me.
ha ha~~

leefan 提到...

hello,I am Fanny,
you know what?
we chose the same story and wrote similair opinion.

At the summary, I found no false with it. Your writing is so good that I can find no wrong to it. I think that I should learn from you.

Eventually, I feel that we are so match.Don't you think ?